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PART 1: In the сluster at the end of the day - "spontaneous crowd-sourcing"


DIRECT SPEECH: "One of the main mistakes of leaders of youth movements is that they rely on only one type of assistance - for example, only the government grants, money of  big companies or volunteer’s work - and do not see the hundreds of alternative solutions of their problems, which surrounds them.  The crowd-sourcing is one of these possibilities, which can attract the huge resources with the help of your supporters. In order to do this you need to create your own community, create a social network. Social network is not the kind of facebook or twitter. It is people, who share your values ​​and can invest the resources (time, communications, money, intelligence, transport, etc.), trying to reach the goal of your organization. Today we can see at practice, how it works. "


1)      People in groups (15 people = “team”) receive an A3-size paper-sheet, 15 pens or markers, 20 stickers. Each participant writes on a sticker three resources (“I know …, I can …, I have …”) which he is ready to share with others, and which may be useful for someone:

- There is someone I KNOW personally (for example, Indonesia's Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations)

- I CAN do something or know how to do something (for example, can teach how to write grant applications)

- There is something I HAVE (for example, I have a plane, which you can use to spread brochures)

Stickers should be signed. Time for doing: 5 minutes.


2) Participants stick the stickers on an A3 paper-sheet, leaving a little bit space between it, then read and draw an arrow:

- If I see the person, who needs something I have - I draw an arrow from my sticker to his one.  It can be somebody with similar interests.

- If I am interested in the content of someone’s sticker – I draw an arrow from it to my sticker. 

Time for doing: 10 minutes


3) Everyone writes on his sticker the number of incoming and outgoing arrows in the X \ Y format.

X - the number of incoming, Y - the number of outgoing.

Time for doing: 3 minutes


4) If you have more X - you tend to use information.

If you have more Y - you tend to share information.

If X and Y are equally - you are socially mobile.

If X and Y go to zero – this is an occasion to reflect on the questions

“what is my value in the field of social activities? what am I doing here?”

Time for discussion: 2 minutes



DIRECT SPEECH: "Pay your attention:

1) In the most cases, you provide a service not to the person who provides a service to you.

2) To ask about the service is easy, vice versa, to say "no" to the request is difficult.

3) Creating a community around your problem allows you to use your followers as a power - either working on the solution, or spreading the information about you.


So this is CONCLUSION: We often think that, in order to solve our problems, we need a certain type of people: with a large income, or with a certain way of life, only women, or only men. Let’s break the illusions! In fact, any person may be helpful to you. If you create a commercial product, you determine a clear-cut target audience. But now you have to search not for consumers but for followers - because those, who may share your ideas, may be anyone, regardless of age, sex or place of residence. You should be very clear about what you want because only in this case you will attract like a magnet the resources you really need. At the same way try not to drown in the abundance of human capabilities. And – listen! – there is a very important thing: be ready to give your own resources, because only the one, who gives, receives something in return. The more you give, the more you get. "



PART 2: night inter-cluster work - "Managed crowd-sourcing"


DIRECT SPEECH: (5 minutes):

"Tomorrow morning we will develop the solutions according to your problems. However, you may never find the solution, having only what you have. Therefore, you need some external resources, which will strengthen you. Until the next morning you should find all the necessary resources you need. It will be provided to you by your colleagues from different clusters.


Your task until the morning:

1) Determine your problem in one sentence – simple and clear.

2) Define your search strategy for this night in order to talk with more people and have time to sleep (remember - a real leader uses the resources of his body smartly to stay alive).

3) You have three stickers. Write three things on each sticker: 1) your name 2) name of your cluster 3) your resource. One sticker = one resource.

4) Start searching.

5) Find somebody and ask him what resource he can advise for solving your problem.

6) Give him the token and get the sticker with resource in return. If you haven’t tokens anymore, but still have your own resources, you can just change the stickers.


Pay attention!

- At first you find the resources in another clusters. You work with your own cluster at the end.

- All tokens should find the owners.

- Tokens should be given not by personal sympathy, but on the basis of usefulness of the resource for the team.

- One person = one resource = one token.

- The resource is not a ready-made solution. Solutions will be developed during the second day.”


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